Trimit usage tutorial

Quality control on Arabidopsis reads

This example is from the 1001 genomes project. We will operate on a small set of reads extracted from one sample (SRR1945463).

This tutorial only requires trimit and wget. Trimit can be obtained from github and then installed (from source of pre-build binaries) according to the installation instructions on github. wget should already be installed on any modern GNU/Linux operating system (sudo apt-get install wget on Debian or Ubuntu).

First, we need to download and extract the prepared data.

wget -qO - | tar xzv

The following files should have been created:

  • first-1000.fastq: The first 1000 read pairs from this sample.
  • has-adaptors.fastq: A read pair whose insert size is less than the read length, and hence has adaptors in reads.
  • trimmable.fastq: a read pair with low base quality sequences
  • mergeable.fastq: a read pair that can be merged

Now, we will QC the first 1000 read pairs using trimit

trimit first-1000.fastq > first-1000-defaults.fastq

That command uses the default values for minimum quality score (25) and minimum read length of reads (1bp, i.e. no filtering). These can both be adjusted:

trimit -q 30 -l 50 first-1000.fastq > first-1000-q30l50.fastq

QC measures

The files has-adaptors.fastq, trimmable.fastq and mergeable.fastq demonstrate the main modes of operation for trimit.

# This read pair's insert size is quite small, meaning that there are
# adaptors in the sequences. This results in a single small read containing
# the consensus of the overlapping reads.

trimit has-adaptors.fastq

# This read pair's insert size is larger than the read length, but smaller
# than twice the read length. This means the pair can be merged into a single
# fragment-length read.

trimit mergeable.fastq

# This read pair has reads with 3' ends whose base quality is low, and are therefore
# trimmed from the reads. This results in two shorter reads.

trimit trimable.fastq

QC reports

Trimit (and libqcpp) can prepare YAML-formatted reports on QC processing steps.

trimit -q 30 -l 50  -y report.yml first-1000.fastq > first-1000-q30l50.fastq

less report.yml

This report contains details of all processing steps, including a summary of the number of reads trimmed and merged, and of the per-cycle quality of all reads.

QC-ing the whole sample

If you wish to QC the entire sample these reads come from, please use the following commands.

wget -O reads.sra

# Dump a fastq file
fastq-dump \
    --split-spot \
    --skip-technical \
    --stdout \
    --readids \
    --defline-seq '@$sn/$ri' \
    --defline-qual '+' \
    reads.sra > reads.fastq

trimit reads.fastq > reads_qc.fastq

# ALTERNATIVELY, one can pipe the reads directly into trimit:
fastq-dump \
    --split-spot \
    --skip-technical \
    --stdout \
    --readids \
    --defline-seq '@$sn/$ri' \
    --defline-qual '+' \
    reads.sra \
  | trimit - > reads_qc.fastq