libqcpp API =========== .. contents:: Overview -------- libqcpp's API is built around two concepts: Stream and Processors. Streams ------- ``ReadStreams`` are streams of sequence reads. These streams parse reads from or write reads to a file or stream. ``ReadInputStream`` and ``ReadOutputStream`` do so without any manipulation. A ``ProcessedReadStream`` processes reads using a pipeline of processors. ``ThreadedQCProcessor`` is a high-level, multi-threaded read processor that reads from and writes to files directly. Streams can report, as member variables or as a YAML report, statistics on reads that have been parsed or written. Processors ---------- Processors mutate or calculate statistics on a read or read pair. They may also report statistics on all reads they have processed in their lifetime, as member variables or as YAML reports. The following processors are implemented (shown with constructor arguments). ``AdaptorTrimPE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: AdaptorTrimPE(const std::string &name, int min_overlap=10, const QualityEncoding &encoding=SangerEncoding); Aligns a read pair to each other, and detect either adaptor read-through, or read overlap. Operates only on paired reads. Yields single ended reads if the read pair is either shorter than the read length (thus each read contains adaptor sequence) or the read ends overlap. ``WindowedQCTrim`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: WindowedQualTrim(const std::string &name, int8_t min_quality, size_t min_length, size_t window_size=0, const QualityEncoding &encoding=SangerEncoding); Uses a sliding-window based approach to trim reads at the point where base quality decreases below a threshold. Reads are trimmed at the first position at which a window's mean base quality is below ``min_quality``. The 5' end of a read is also trimmed. Reads less than ``min_length`` bases long are removed from the stream. The window size may be set using ``window_size``; a ``window_size`` value of 0 causes the window length to be 10% of the read length. ``PerBaseQuality`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: PerBaseQuality(const std::string &name, const QualityEncoding &encoding=SangerEncoding); Records statistics on per-cycle quality across all read sets, reporting the distribution of base quality scores for each cycle. ``ReadLenFilter`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: ReadLenFilter(const std::string &name, size_t threshold = 1, const QualityEncoding &encoding=SangerEncoding); Filters reads less than ``threshold`` bases out of a stream. ``ReadLenCounter`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: ReadLenCounter(const std::string &name, const QualityEncoding &encoding=SangerEncoding); Counts the length distribution of all reads. ``ReadTruncator`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: ReadTruncator(const std::string &name, size_t threshold=64, const QualityEncoding &encoding=SangerEncoding); Truncates reads to ``threshold`` bases long, and removes reads from the stream less than ``threshold`` bases long.